About me
Hi there! I’m Mary. I am a Christian, wife, and mom to Josiah who was born and died on August 11th 2022. After 47 long hours of labor, his heart rate dropped suddenly. We were rushed into the OR for a STAT cesarean section, but he was already gone. We are completely heartbroken and miss our boy every second of every day.

In my spare time I enjoy cooking, reading, traveling, thrifting, learning about health, and doing all sorts of crafts. My husband and I are currently living abroad which has been such an adventure. Living in a foreign country without any extended family has its challenges, but we have been able to spend so much time together and pour into our marriage. We enjoy sports, board games, camping, passionate debate, and talking about our sweet son with anyone who will listen.
When Josiah died, I felt like the person I was before died with him. Growing up with a strong faith helped me know where to turn, but I found myself questioning everything I ever believed and then feeling shame for doubting. I’ve wrested with so many questions and hurts. We have had so much amazing support to prop us back up. But as I interacted with people, I quickly learned that my grief and my son’s story made other people uncomfortable.
Of course, I understand why that is — I would have reacted the same way before Josiah. However, as a verbal processor who prides herself on authenticity, I simply can’t accept that grief should be taboo to protect other’s comfort. If the only thing we are promised in this life is suffering, why aren’t we talking about it more? Why aren’t we equipping people with how to wrestle with God and come out with a stronger faith? Why aren’t we teaching people how to properly support and empathize hurting people?
As my perspective has shifted from mundane, earthly things to the eternal, I want to talk about the things that matter in life and encourage others to do the same. That is the purpose of this community — to promote a Colossians 3:2 life and focus on things above. What else truly matters?
I hope to honor Josiah and the Lord with my vulnerability by sharing my sorrows and my triumphs through this life with lots of ups and downs. I want to provide a resource for any grieving person to feel validated and encouraged.
My prayer for Sharing Sorrow is that the Lord would teach me not to be consoled but to console;
Not to be understood, but to understand;
Not to be loved, but to love.
I have the gift of a whole new perspective since Josiah died. My goal is not get pity or attention, but to share what God has shown me through the trials I’ve faced.
If you’re a grieving person, welcome. I hope you find value here!
If you have experienced the loss of a child, I’m so genuinely sorry. I hate that that is what has caused our connection.
If you’re here because you want to properly support someone you love through tragedy, then I commend you. I promise they need your support.
Whatever has brought you here, I hope you find value and leave encouraged.