Picking a baby name is one of the most important decisions you’ll make as a parent. It’s a decision that will have a lasting impact on your child’s life and identity. In many cultures, a name is considered more than just a label – it’s a representation of your character, personality, and even destiny.
In the Bible, names are also significant. In many cases, they were chosen to reflect the person’s character, calling, or circumstances. For example, Abraham’s name means “father of many nations,” which foreshadowed his role as the father of the Israelite nation. Similarly, Moses’ name means “drawn out of the water,” which reflects his miraculous deliverance from the Nile River as a baby. God even went as far as to rename many people during their life, like Abram, Saul, Jacob, and Sarai.
In Proverbs 22:1, it says, “A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.” This verse emphasizes the importance of having a good reputation and character, which can be reflected in one’s name.

Our Story
My husband and I wanted to be really intentional in picking a name for our son. We wanted a name that would reflect our faith and values. When we first found out I was pregnant, we threw out some girl and boy names. We had a girl name picked early on, but we never got around to deciding on a boy’s name. We just discussed a few contenders. When we accidentally found out he was a boy because of a slip up by the doctor, we both knew that he would be Josiah. We never actually sat and talked about it. At some point, we just started calling him Josiah, and it was meant to be!
Josiah means, “God supports and heals.” I remember reading that at some point during my pregnancy and I thought that sounded great. But I didn’t realize just how perfect his name was until he died during labor. As we sat holding him in that silent hospital room, so angry and so confused, God reminded me, “God supports and heals.” I felt inexplicable peace.
I knew at that moment that God was still in control somehow. He was there, in the tragedy with us. We clung to the promise that God would support us and bring healing to our broken hearts. We found solace in knowing that our son’s name was a testament to our faith in God’s goodness, even in the midst of tragedy.
I’m so grateful he gave us that name. It’s so special. I can’t imagine if we had flippantly picked a random word with no significance. I’m not trying to take credit for being so in tune with God that he gave us the perfect name or something. We were intentional, but we didn’t put that much thought into it since God placed it into our laps. But this experience has taught me how important names are.

Names are gifts.
They should be prayed over and sought with earnest searching. We see that over and over again in scripture and history.
I think as a society we have lost that over the years. Some people read a paint swatch or the ingredient list of Gatorade and say, “Oh, yeah that sounds unique.” I’m not saying God can’t use all types of inspiration to prompt us, but it doesn’t seem like that’s what’s going on for most people.
When picking a name I think it’s important to:
Look to scripture: No, I do not think that Biblical names are the only ones that can be meaningful. However, looking to scripture for inspiration for the values you hope to pass on to your kids is a great way to seek God and his guidance.
Pray: Ask God to help you pick the perfect name. He has made it very clear in scripture that names are a big deal. Ask him to reveal the perfect name for your child!
Consider the meaning and origin: When choosing a name for your baby, consider the meaning behind the name and how it might reflect your child’s personality, character, or future. Personally, I wouldn’t pick a name with a negative meaning or an origin that I don’t want to associate with.
Aside from the spiritual and emotional significance of a baby’s name, there are several practical things to consider when choosing the name your child will have forever. Here are a few:
1. Identity
A name is an important part of a person’s identity. It’s often one of the first things people learn about us and can influence how others perceive us. A name can shape how a child sees themselves and how they are perceived by others.
2. Future opportunities
A unique or unusual name can set a child apart in a positive or negative way. While it may be memorable and attention-grabbing, it can also make it harder for a child to fit in or be taken seriously in certain situations. A more traditional name may be perceived as more professional and help a child in their future career. For example, I knew a girl growing up at my Christian school named Isis. You could tell that she didn’t enjoy having such a politically charged name.
3. Cultural significance
A name can also reflect a family’s culture and heritage, which can be important to parents who want to pass on their traditions and values to their children.
4. Practical considerations
A name should also be practical and easy to pronounce and spell. A child may have to spell their name for others throughout their life, and a difficult or unusual spelling can be a burden. Some see the uniqueness as a good thing, but your child may see it as an embarrassment.
Ultimately, choosing a name for your baby is a big responsibility. Whether it’s a biblical name, a family name, or a new inspiration that God has prompted, it’s a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Consider the meaning behind the names you’re considering and think about what kind of legacy you want to leave for your child. And remember, even in the face of adversity, a name can serve as a reminder of hope, faith, and love.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!